欢迎来到yzc888亚洲城网页版. We are so excited to have you join the Wildcat Community. The online registration feature is only available for current Seattle Public School (SPS) students. For all other Non-Seattle Public School Students (i.e. 私立学校和州外学校). Please find your “Group” below and use the documents attached to complete your class requests.
如果你不打算参加今年秋天的WSHS, please let your assigned WSHS counselor know you would like your enrollment withdrawn.
Introduction to Course Registration for SPS High Schools 2024-2025
New Students
For Current WSHS Students
Current 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade yzc888亚洲城网页版 students will begin online course registration in February. Please visit your current grade-level tab below and follow the instructions to begin the registration process.
Counselors are available during lunch in the Commons from February 7th-28th. Students are welcome to drop by for any individual questions or graduation audits.
Counselors will also meet with their students to review course requests in their English classes starting in April.
Special Education students should complete the online registration if they are SPS students. Non-SPS students with Special Education services will complete the registration.
English Learner (EL) students should complete the online registration if they are SPS students. Non-SPS students with EL services will complete the paper registration Option Sheet and email the completed form to their assigned WSHS counselor.
Honors classes: yzc888亚洲城网页版 offers 9th and 10th grade honors options in some of our core academic areas. As we come into alignment with the other SPS high schools, how we offer honors in grade 9 and 10 is changing in some content areas. The option for honors will be available and embedded in most Language Arts, World History, and Math courses.
Math placements are determined by 8th grade courses: If your student is taking 8th Grade Math, they will register for Algebra 1; Algebra 1 students should register for Geometry; Geometry students should register for Algebra 2.
健康及个人健身: All 9th grade students take 健康及个人健身.
Jazz Band is offered 0-period. Mr. 托马斯将与感兴趣的学生联系. 如果您有任何问题,请发邮件给Mr. Thomas at
World Language: If you are choosing the first year of any world language, please list an alternate language on the alternate elective line.
yzc888亚洲城网页版全年调度的重要策略: yzc888亚洲城网页版 students register for the following year’s classes in the spring. 两个学期的课程都是在这个时候选择的. Students will remain with the same teacher for the full year in yearlong courses. Students should choose courses carefully as schedule changes are extremely limited.
Are the Option Sheet and Four-Year Plan documents required to submit before registration?
No, they are tools to help you figure out your remaining graduation requirements and help you select your classes for next year
It’s not required, but we recommend you review your classes with your parent/guardian(s)
Yes, 一旦所有的信息输入, counselors do check senior schedules first to help make sure seniors get the classes that they need and want for college admissions/graduation.
What happens if I don’t pick my classes before the due date?
Your counselor gets to choose all of your classes for you!
Sometimes classes fill up or they just don’t work in your schedule. Your alternate choices let the counselors know what your 2nd, 3rd and 4th choices are so that you get classes that you want and don’t have to wait in LONG lines outside the counselor’s office at the start of the year.
Choose an elective for the time being and make a note on your option sheet indicating that you would like to TA for next year. It will be your responsibility to get the TA form signed at the beginning of the year. Only 三年级和四年级的学生可以做助教.
What if I know I’m transferring or taking classes at Running Start?
反正你也得报名上课! We would rather get you the classes you want and pull you out later if you do move or take Running Start classes.
如果我挂科了怎么办? Can I re-take it?
Generally you can’t retake classes and will need to make up failed classes during summer school. 带着问题去找你的辅导员.
**Any specific/individual questions can be referred back to the student’s counselor**